Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday To You...!

Happy Birthday Aunt Jeanne! Hope you had a great day!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Awsome blog!

Great blog! Thanx Katie!

Email Addresses

Okay, I have sent out as many invitations to people as I have email addresses. These are the addresses I still need:


If you know/have any of these will you please leave them in a comment so I can send them an invitation? Thanks!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome to the family blog!

Thanks to Katie, we now have our own family blog where we sincerely hope all of you will enjoy participating. We are looking forward to pictures, life events, really anything that will help us all keep in better touch with each other. Our family numbers 36 now, if I can count correctly, and we would like to hear from all of you. Katie has done a great job setting this up and is most willing to help us all get started. So, please everyone, jump right in and share , share, share with us. We love you all and so look forward to hearing from you all and having this be a great success. Grammy, or the lazy way of it, --GmE

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Welcome to the new Eborn family blog. This will be a work in progress while everyone figures out how it works. I need to make sure that everyone is an invited guest (since it is private, you have to have a username and password to get in) and that everyone can create posts. If anyone sees problems that I miss, please let me know.

It's really easy to figure out how to post. At the top right corner of the screen, just click on New Post and start typing. You can add pictures, movies, or whatever you want by clicking the little icons above the typing space. If anyone has questions or problems let me know!

1. If you are reading this you already have a username and password. Don't forget it.

2. Try posting something! News... pictures... anything, really.

3. Leave comments and have fun! :)

4. If I've missed anyone or anything let me know... you can just leave a comment.

5. If you have a personal blog you can put a link on the sidebar if you know how. Some are private (such as mine)... if anyone wants an invitation that doesn't have one, just give me or whoever your email address and you'll get one.
